Enjoy festive crafting together with the local flower harvest and greenery at the lovely Wine Bar in Yreka. You’ll be guided to make your own magical dried floral wreath that lasts for years with the dried flowers. Bringing nature into your home adds light, beauty, and a reminder of the next green season to come. $65 All Materials included. If you have shears please bring them.
Enjoy festive time crafting together as you're guided to make your own dried floral wreath (everlasting). They can last for years! Bringing nature into your home adds light, beauty, and a reminder of the next green season to come. And they are wonderful gifts. All materials provided. Please bring your shears if you have them. Come play in joy and reverence.:)
Join Melanie, Kaila Rose & Shelley Deanne for for an afternoon at the farm, of softening into our feminine radiance with the medicine of the flowers, exploration of feminine movement, crystalline sound bowls and breath work. This will be a ceremony in the garden to nourish us at our deepest cellular level. Filling up our wellspring and allowing our systems to completely unwind and drop into softness and relaxation.
Let’s celebrate the Summer Solstice together with the glory of the flowers on a beautiful farm under the willow trees! A wonderful time to gather and give thanks to Mother Earth for summer's abundance arrival. Each of us will make a flower crown; crafting with the flowers allows us to receive their nourishing gifts and co-create beauty with them. We will have the opportunity to reflect on our intentions for the summer season and weave them into our crowns. All instructions and materials provided. Come play in joy and reverence.🙂
Enjoy festive time crafting together with the lovely aromas of the evergreen needles as you're guided to make your own magical wreath. Bringing nature to your home adds light, beauty, and a reminder of the next green season to come. We will be using seasonal evergreens, with an array of wild berries, foliage and pinecones to adorn. Delicious drinks available for purchase. Book your ticket here: https://elderapothecary.love/products/everlasting-wreath-workshop
Enjoy festive time crafting together as you're guided to make your own evergreen wreath. Special plant materials will be available to adorn the evergreens- such as berries, unique greenery, and pinecones. Belle Fiore drinks and dining available for purchase.
Enjoy festive time crafting together as you're guided to make your own floral magical wreath that lasts for years. Bringing nature into your home adds light, beauty, and a reminder of the next green season to come. A wonderful gift idea too. All flowers and foliage organically grown at the farm. Savor cozy teatime at lovely Lovejoy's Tea Room. Price includes afternoon tea and light tea fare.
Needing more peaceful, relaxing time to slow down in nature? Commune with the flowers by tuning into their essence together. Through touching and smelling the flowers, guided meditations and group mandala making, you will come away with more confidence in plant communication and a deeper connection to Nature and Yourself. No experience necessary, just an open mind and curiosity.:)
Flower Tour Soak up the 20 + types of flowers as we enjoy their exquisite beauty in living form. Learn about their uses, healing qualities, and how to grow them. Led by your guide, Melanie, flower lover and whisperer. On a 20 acre land conservancy (Eagle Mill Farm).